Hein Information Tools
Hein Information Tools is a consulting company established in 1988. Hein Information Tools is also known as HeinIT or heinit. Originally the tasks vere mostly IT development and institutional analysis in the library area. Inclusive tasks for the European Commission. Later the portfolio was extended to include music information and copyright in digital media. But it is long time ago. The main focus area today is digitisation and restoration of analogue sound media. Hein Information Tools is a modest company, founded and run by Morten Hein. He is an old hand in his area.

Today the main focuses are archival digitisation of sound and sound restoration. Hein Information Tools can handle almost any analogue sound media and can undertake large but also small tasks, for private clients as well as institutions. There is a large experience in the field with a track record of almost 5000 hours of analogue media converted to digital formats.
Up-to-date information about the newest projects, technology and events in which Hein Information Tools will take part.


Aksel Schiøtz og Die Schöne Müllerin

New book: Lauritz Melchior

Richard Wagner project
Here is a list of some of the customers:
Ballerup Stadsarkiv
CDklassisk Olufsen Bøger
Dansk Folkemindesamling
Tårnby Stads- og Lokalarkiv
Emil Berliner Studios Berlin
Frederiksberg Stadsarkiv
TV2 Bornholm
Gesellschaft für historische Tonträger
Det Kongelige Bibliotek Aarhus Tidl. Statsbiblioteket
Marstal Søfartsmuseum
Køge Arkiverne
Københavns Stadsarkiv
Musikmuseet København
Nimbus Record (UK)
Pontoppidan Selskabet
Det Kongelige Bibliotek København
Hegermann-Lindencrone Udgiverselskabet
Ragnarock – Danmarks Rockmuseum
Det Estiske Akademi for Musik & Teater
Studieafdelingen og Arkivet ved Dansk Centralbibliotek for Sydslesvig
Det Estiske Akademi for Musik & Teater