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About | Hein IT


About Hein Information Tools

Hein Information Tools is today a sound studio. Not like most other sound studios that are recording studios. Hein Information Tools can record as well. But the main scope is to receive and convert analogue media into digital formats.

The sound comes in all thinkable analogue media. There shall be the right equipment present. Then the conversion starts with old equipment – not much can be acquired from new today. From here the sound goes into the computer with the best contemporary equipment using software suitable for these tasks.

The production suite is based on knowledge and experience. Hein Information Tools has digitised almost 5000 hours of analogue sound. The experience is rather high. There is a constant hunt for old equipment for the old media and new equipment and software for the conversion. The results are good. We can not play the sound from our customers files but listen to published results form Hein Information Tools. The CD box with Lauritz Melchior or the CD in the book about Axel Schiøtz and his 1945 recording of Die schöne Müllerin.

About Morten Hein

Morten Hein CV


1990 Head of Office, State Library Services

1989 Deputy Director, State Inspection of Public Libraries

1988 HEIN INFORMATION TOOLS is etablished

1987 Head of Office, State Inspection of Public Libraries

1971 Head of Systems development, State Inspection of Public Libraries

1968 Consultant, State Inspection of Public Libraries

1965 Librarian, Tårnby Kommunebiblioteker.

1965 Graduate as librarian from the Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen.

1959 Student, Viborg Cathedral School.

1941 Born in Grenaa, Denmark.

After working a few years as Librarian Morten Hein began a career planning for the very first developments in computer systems in libraries. It was in the pioneer years were only very few thing could be done and the prices were so high that no one believe it would have any practical usage. At the same time he did analytical work in working methods and costs analysis of libraries. At the same time he was making improvements in methods and organisation.

Computers brought also the interest for standardisation and Morten Hein has worked with Danish Standard and ISO, the international standards organisation. He was chairman of the Danish committee for libraries and information and member of and later chairman of the advisory board of ISO TC46. That is the technical committee for libraries and information.

He also got relations to the European Commission and its library activities. First as member of the library advisory group and as a Danish expert. Later as consultant to the European Commission.

Music and music information became a bigger and bigger interest. Hein Information Tools was started as a part time business. In 1992 Morten Hein left the job as a civil servant and Hein Information Tools became the main activity. In the beginning with a profile as before but the music and specially music in digital format became the major focus point. That included copyright issues in digital media. Morten Hein carried out many project on copyright  issues in digital systems. He lectured regularly in copyright issues.

Little by little the focus was music and conversion of analogue sound document into digital formats. A major breakthrough was a contract in 2008 with the National Archive on digitising all documents in any analogue sound format in the National Archive.

Morten Hein has given presentations on his favourite theme on quit a few conferences. He is member and Beirat to Gesellschaft für historische Tonträger.